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What's the Unsplash Landscape Challenge?

Let's talk about landscapes and what they are for this challenge. A "landscape" photograph captures the essence of the natural and built environment, showcasing expanses of scenery that can include mountains, forests, urban skylines, or any broad view of the outdoors. Here's what typically makes a photograph fall under the "landscape" category:


1. Broad View: Landscape photographs often feature a wide, expansive view of nature or urban areas. This broad perspective helps to convey the scale and grandeur of the scene.

2. Composition: Good landscape photos usually have a well-thought-out composition that guides the viewer’s eye through the image. Elements like leading lines (paths, rivers), framing (trees, windows), and the rule of thirds are often used to enhance the photo's aesthetic appeal.

3. Natural Elements: While not exclusively about untouched nature, many landscapes focus on natural elements like mountains, rivers, trees, and the sky. These elements can also be juxtaposed with human-made structures to create contrast or tell a story.

4. Lighting: The lighting in landscape photography plays a crucial role in setting the mood and highlighting the beauty of the scene. Many landscape photographers prefer the golden hours at sunrise or sunset when the light adds warm, dramatic hues.

5. Depth: Landscapes often aim to convey a sense of depth, making the viewer feel like they could step into the photo. Techniques like using a wide-angle lens, having a foreground element, or capturing atmospheric perspective (where distant objects appear lighter and less detailed) can achieve this effect.


For your challenge, when you select a landscape photo from Unsplash, look for images that not only capture the beauty of a scene but also evoke emotion or tell a story through their composition, lighting, and perspective. The focus will be on landscapes, not seascapes. This can be a fantastic opportunity for you to explore how various elements of a landscape can be interpreted and expressed through your painting. 


Click on one of the images to go to Unsplash. Good Luck!

When you have found that perfect photograph, click here to submit it to the Stuffy Staff for posting.

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