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If you are interested in becoming a professional or advanced acrylic artist, then our private members’ only website is the perfect place for you to join! Our community of artists is dedicated to helping each other improve their techniques, collaborate on projects, and provide honest feedback on works. We provide a wealth of resources, from online classes to tutorials and critiques, known as Personal Art Coaching (PAC), that will help you hone your skills and gain the confidence to pursue your artistic goals.

Our community is a safe and supportive environment for artists of all levels to come together and learn from each other’s experiences. With our private members’ only website, you can join a vibrant and inspiring circle of artists who are all striving to become the best versions of themselves.

Reading books on art is a great way to get started on your artistic journey and learn the basics, but there is nothing quite like learning from an experienced professional artist like Ginger Cook. A professional artist with over 50 years of experience can provide you with invaluable insight and knowledge that cannot be found in a book. They can show you tricks and techniques that only come from decades of practice and can help you hone your skills and become the best artist you can be. With the help and support of a professional artist, you will be able to take your skills to the next level and truly make a name for yourself in the art world. Let Ginger guide you on your art journey.

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So, you are already a Royal Purple Member of our “Academy of Fine Art and Acrylic Painting.” You will need to return to that website to log into your account. 

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